Wednesday, January 16, 2013

You is Kind. You is Smart. YOU IS IMPORTANT.

I'm important?   Yes, I am.

To see why I even question whether I am  important, check out the section About Me .
Additionally, I'm depressed, and I look like it.  I've decided that I'm not going down without a fight.  I'm headed into my 50's kicking and screaming.   Yes, it may be surprising that I have not yet reached age 50 since I resemble someone older.  I'm changing it up!  I've decided that there will be no  picture of me in the dictionary (if we still have those) under the word "sick."   I will NOT be the poster child for Fibromyalgia or Psoriatic Arthritis.

I DID IT!!  I signed up for the Advocare  24-day Challenge.  As I try the products, I plan to review them in the section Advocare Reviews.    My daughter, Shelby, has already started the Challenge and has shown great results.  My products were delivered today, and I am extremely excited!!!

My plan is to blog about my progress, menu-planning, how I like and react to the products, weight loss, and whatever else lays on my mind.  So Beware!

Days 1 - 10 :  Cleanse Phase.....................being full to the brim with toxins, this should be interesting!

I can't wait to get started!



  1. Susan:
    It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing. I admire you for facing your medical challenges. Far too many people just give into whatever the doctors say. If we don't recognize that a big part of why we are sick and in pain is because we don't do a whole lot about whatever ails us. We hear the diagnosis and feel defeated or like we have no choice about being healthy. We do have a choice, and not choosing is a choice. I'm glad you are choosing to take control and win this physical battle. I know you can do it, it may be tough along the way - but most change is quite tough. I love you girl.

  2. P.S. I didn't know you had a blog. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep reading if you'll keep writing.
