Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oh Yeah ! Bring It On !!

Day 1 is over and it was sooooooooo easy.  I'm half-way into day 2 and still doing great.  Loving the product and 2.6 lbs down.

                   Started at 235.4 lbs. and here I am at 232.8 lbs. after the 1st day.

I measured today and I couldn't believe how big I am.  How could I be a  42/ 46/ 52 ?  Or how about a 16 inch upper arm with a 29 inch upper leg and a 16 1/2 inch neck!  What happened to that 115 pound girl ??  She's in here somewhere.   Clearly,  even with the illness(es), I've been in complete denial.  Plus, on top of all this, I'm letting my hair turn it's natural color.  Have I lost my mind? NO!!!   I'm just keeping it real!!

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